Ex Vogue Beauty Editor Geeta Rao Has Coffee With Dollie

Hi Shringaristas,The person featuring on today’s Coffee With Dollie had a job most girls would consider as their ultimate dream job. She was the Beauty Editor of…hold your breath…Vogue! She left Vogue to pursue her own advertising ad editorial writing and to work on her beauty and luxury blog www.geetaslist.com. Among the best phases of her life is the time she spent in retreat at Wat Nan Chat in Thailand. Here’s Geeta Rao talking to us about all things beauty….

Geeta Rao ex-vogue editor has Coffee with Dollie

Me: The Beauty Editor at Vogue is a job most girls dream of. What was the experience like?

Geeta: The experience is fabulous. The Conde Nast group, of which Vogue is a part, is a very professionally managed company and has very high standards of excellence. You definitely feel you are in a world class organisation. It was glamourous but it was also very hard work. The thing is, we all loved what we were doing. I am happy to still be a Contributing Editor with Vogue.

Me: Share with us some pro beauty or skincare tips that you learnt while at Vogue or during your travels.

Geeta: One of the things I learnt from a French makeup artist was to let a few flaws show and not try and cover up totally because that can age you. And to experiment a lot more with lip colours.

Me: What’s your signature makeup look? Or the look that you feel suits you the best.

Geeta: My signature is a bright pop of lip colour, day or night. I don’t know if it suits me, but it is my thing. I love a true red, blood orange or bright pink.

Me: What are your five “Stranded on a desert island” products?

Geeta: Moisturiser, pink lipstick, CC cream, sunscreen, argan oil / serum for my hair.

Me: What’s your most recent beauty purchase?

Geeta: Lancome Dreamtone

Lancome dreamtone

Me: What are your other passions in life?

Geeta: I love art and spend a lot of time at art shows and galleries. I spent a month recently in New York doing a course at Sotheby’s to follow my passion. That’s why I can’t resist adding a few art updates on my blog www.geetaslist.com 🙂

Me: Your one feature that you’d like to change?

Geeta: None. I outgrew that phase long ago.

Me: Do you feel facials are an essential part of a beauty regime?

Geeta: I don’t personally get facials done on a regular basis or as part of a beauty regimen. I try them out if I’m reviewing something or get asked to try something as part of work.

Me: What’s in your handbag?

Geeta: Keys, my iPhone, glasses, diary and pen (yes, I still use a diary to make notes), my current favourite lipstick, MAC NC41 compact, hairbrush and business card holder.

Me: Rapid Fire questions now...

Fave lipstick: Chanel Super and Lancome Rouge In Love Pink Bonbon.

Fave foundation: Chanel Aqualumiere in Desert Sand.

Fave author: T.S.Eliot. His poetry resonates with me.

Fave movie: Too many to name.

Fave Cuisine: Japanese

Fave fragrance: Narciso For Her (I use it day and night). Chanel Beige for the day…it is such an elegant fragrance.

Dream travel destination: I want to see the Northern Lights some day.

Beaches or Mountains: Mountains

Jeans or dresses: Dresses

Heels or flats: Flats

Lipstick or gloss: Always Lipstick!

Eyeliner or mascara: Eyeliner.

Book or movie: Book.

Me: And finally, to wind up, what products are you currently lusting after?

Geeta: I am waiting to get my hands on Karl Lagerfeld’s new fragrance and Madonna’s new skincare line MDN.

Disclaimer: I don’t own the images in this post


Hope you enjoyed reading about Geeta’s beauty choices. Do let me know in the comments. 🙂

20 Replies to “Ex Vogue Beauty Editor Geeta Rao Has Coffee With Dollie”

  1. I love this expression of self love and the beauty of embracing yourself as you are. Its so important that we love unconditionally and embrace even what we may perceive as a flaw. Our imperfections are what make us unique and very special. Thank you so much for sharing this with us!

  2. bhumika_t says: Reply

    Loved reading about her 🙂

  3. Nice post dear 🙂

  4. Thanks Rashi. I’m gonna check out the Chanel lipstick soon 😉

  5. Rashi Ravi Ganguly says: Reply

    Nice read, loved her lipstick and perfume choices!

  6. Megha Sarin says: Reply

    Love the post…Lucky you..She is surely a woman of substance 🙂


  7. So glad you liked it 🙂

  8. Totally agree. And she’s quite young too!

    1. Your thniknig matches mine – great minds think alike!

  9. nice post dear 🙂

  10. rashmi dev says: Reply

    loved reading this Dollie 😀 😀

  11. Richa Saxena says: Reply

    Loved reading the interview!! Great series you have going on here 🙂

  12. Thanks for sharing! This was really interesting to read!
    Kallie – http://www.butfirstcoffeeblog.com

  13. Naomi Ganzu says: Reply

    Such a great interview! It is good to read about such well accomplished people 🙂

  14. Beauty Frontline says: Reply

    Loved the talk! 🙂 Thanks for sharing xo

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