“The best gifts in the world are not in the material objects one can buy from the store , but in the memories we make with the people we love. ” – Amanda Boyarshinov While memories are indeed the most precious things we have, we can always buy a material thing to serve as instant […]
SAFER Smart Pendant – A Must-Have For All Girls

The safety of our loved ones is the most important thing on everyone’s minds these days especially when you read of horrific incidences in the newspapers. AWhile browsing through the Smytten app on my phone, the last thing I expected to find was a device that helped keep loved ones safe and I decided to order […]
Tips to Glam Up Your Diwali Cards Party

This is the time of the year when you can feel the festivities in the air. Navratri is over and the mother lode of Indian festivals – Diwali – is just around the corner. This is also the time to dress up in your ethnic best, gorge on all the yummy delicacies and of course, play cards! […]
5 Tips To Click The Perfect Selfie

For each selfie that gets posted on Instagram, there are countless others that fail to make the mark. In this selfie-obsessed era, we all strive to click that we don’t hesitate to share on our social media. With the festive season here, we all will strive to click the perfect selfie while dressed in all […]
OPPO F1s Diwali Edition Review

One of the biggest tributes that a multi-national brand can pay to a country’s culture is to launch variants in tune with that country’s cultural ethos. So while a burger brand introduced rice balls on it’s menu in Japan, a pizza brand opened a pure veg outlet in Ahmedabad. OPPO Mobiles too, has recognised the importance […]
The Style of Fashion Week with the ZenFone 3

Good cameras are a must for bloggers but at the same time, it is very cumbersome to carry a big camera and lenses to all events. Smartphone cameras come to the rescue here and so, the camera becomes a very important feature while choosing a smartphone. Asus recently launched the new Zenfone 3 which they claim […]
OPPO F1s Can Win You a Photo Shoot with Daboo Ratnani

That the OPPO phones have a great camera and click beautifully flawless selfies is now a no-brainer. I love clicking pictures with the OPPO F1s since it makes my skin look so flawless without it looking artificial. And seeing the way the celebs are going gaga and tweeting their gorgeous selfies, it is clear that […]