To say that the Mahabharat is my favourite epic would be an understatement. My fascination with this epic borders on obsession. Of all the different retellings of the Mahabharat that I have read, this version, The Winds Of Hastinapur by Sharath Komarrju has to be my favourite and the most fascinating one. He has given […]
Book Review – There’s Something About You by Yashodhara Lal

“And when I told her that I bathed the gobi in Ganga-jal and did aarti of it also….” That sentence made me spit out my coffee all over my clothes, phone and book! The witty-yet-conversational way in which it has been written is indicative of the tone of the rest of the book. Which book […]
Book Review: Exit Point by Anil Goel

A book that is about some ancient mystery that is unravelling on the Internet? Something that is connected to various happenings in different cities across the world? Sounds intriguing, doesn’t it? I am talking about Exit Point by Anil Goel. I was so engrossed in that book, I so wanted to know what happens next, […]
Book Review The Beckoning Of Gyanganj by Chandan K. Pathak
While I have read several books whose stories span decades and generations, I haven’t yet read one that not only spans centuries, but also the previous life of the main protagonist. So, when I came across the book, “The Beckoning of Gyanganj” by Chandan K. Pathak, I was really intrigued and had to read it. […]
Book Review – Ramayana, The Game Of Life – Shattered Dreams By Shubha Vilas

Those of you who follow my blog will know what a huge fan I am of mythology and our epics. The Ramayana and the Mahabharat are the stories all Indian children’s childhoods are made of. I can’t even remember the first time I heard those stories, but I do remember, at the age of 5, […]
Book Review – Shopaholic To The Stars by Sophie Kinsella

Yes, a book review after quite some time. I really like Sophie Kinsella’s books especially the Shopaholic series but I didn’t really like the last book in the series, Mini Shopaholic, too much. Her last book (not in the Shopaholic series), Wedding Night was absolutely terrible and I really wondered if Kinsella had lost her touch. […]
Book Review: Private India by Ashwin Sanghi and James Patterson

I came back from a weekend trip to find Ashwin Sanghi’s newest offering waiting for me. PRIVATE INDIA is a collaboration between this Indian author who loves to bring in mythological twists into his thrillers and James Patterson, an American author who also, is famous for his thrillers (though I haven’t read any of James […]