There are days when I get so fed up with my dry, frizzy hair that I really fell like chopping it real short. But whenever I go for a haircut, I always play it safe and just get a trim coz I looooooooovvvvee long hair. In fact, I can count on my fingers the number […]
Bourjois Fuchsia Graffitti
Bourjois Rouge Edition in Fuchsia Grafitti…and a disastrous attempt at FOTD and LOTD.

Hey Shringaristas, Thank you soooo much for all your birthday wishes 🙂 You know, sometimes I feel quite silly getting so excited about my birthday as though I’m a child but then, that’s me 😉 When I had bought my Chanel foundation, I had also been very tempted to buy one of their Rouge Allure […]