Hands up how many of you can remember the figure of speech “Transferred Epithet” that we learnt in grammar in school? Those of you who don’t remember, here’s a refresher: Transferred Epithet: A figure of speech in which an epithet or adjective grammatically qualifies a noun other than the person or thing it is actually describing. Eg. […]
coral lip gloss
YSL Vernis A Levres Glossy Stain #7 Corail Aquatique

Recently, I had posted about my 5 current favourite lipsticks (you can read that here) and I had given you a glimpse of my newest lipgloss stain which I absolutely LOVE, the YSL Glossy Stain #7 Corail Aquatique. I was already bowled over by the YSL Glossy Stain in #12 Corail Fauve (which, by the way, […]