“Rebecca, who colours your hair?” says Elinor abruptly. “It’s…..it’s my own,” I say, nervously touching a strand. “Meione,” She echoes suspiciously. “I don’t know the name. At which salon does she work?” “Erm….well,” I flounder at last. “Actually…..I …I’m not sure you’ll have heard of it. it’s very…tiny.” “Well, I think you should change colorist,” […]
hair colour
Kaca Hair Darkener Review – A Safe and Natural Way to Colour Grey Hair

Usually I refrain from torturing my hair too much (except for the occasional blow dry/ironing) so that means no chemical treatments like rebonding etc, though I have got very tempted to do it. However, I did once get highlights done when a big shot French colourist had come to a famous salon. When the highlights […]