Sankranti marks the transition of the sun into a Rashi (zodiac) on its celestial path. Hence, there are 12 Sankrantis in a year when the sun travels from one Rashi to the other. Makar Sankranti marks the arrival of the sun into the Makar (Capricorn) Rashi.
Makar Sankranti marks the northward journey of the Sun (Uttarayana) and takes place 21 days after the winter solstice. Most Hindu festivals follow the lunar calendar and hence their dates in the western calendar keeps changing each year. Makar Sankranti, however, is a solar festival and hence, it remains relatively constant over the years.
Why did I say ‘relatively’ constant? Because, it does move a bit forward over the years. The reason for that is the earth’s tilt and the sliding of equinoxes and as a result of this, the festival that came on 31st December a thousand years ago, now comes on the 14th of January. Five thousand years later, it will come in the end of Feb!
Makar Sankranti is a major festival because it marks the beginning of the harvest season and also the end of an ‘inauspicious’ phase. It is celebrated almost all over the country in different ways with different names like Pongal, Lohri, Maghi, Makara Villaku etc.
I also celebrate it as my birthday!!! Yes, 14th of Jan is when I was born which is why this is why I love this festival. When I see all those kites flying in the sky, I feel like the pretty, colourful kites are wishing me on my birthday
So, I thought, that on this festive occassion, why not have a giveaway? I have this pretty set of Lancôme minis that one lucky Shringarista will get. The set includes a Star Bronzer in Bronze Solaire, Color Design Eyeshadow quad with shades Daylight, Amber Mystique, Pose and Couture and a Juicy Tube in Pink Horizon.
Rules of the Giveaway:
* This contest is open to my readers living in India only. Sorry for that, perhaps in my next giveaway I’ll make it International, but for now, it’s restricted to India.
* To enter this contest, you need to complete the steps listed in the Rafflecopter Widget below. The first three steps are compulsory. Doing the other three optional steps will help in increasing your chances of winning.
* There are several people who follow just for the sake of the giveaway and then un-follow. This is simply very rude. Please dont do that or you will be blocked from entering future giveaways.
* I’m posting this now coz I wont be able to later today but the giveaway starts from midnight tonight. It starts on 14th Jan and ends on 21st Feb so I’ll announce the winner on 25th Feb which is my elder son’s birthday
So, that’s it….best of luck girls
Belated birthday wishes
Honestly I’m new to your blog and just started reading your posts. First things first – You’re really beautiful with magnificent eyes
And regarding the question – I would like to see more EOTD’s and DIY’s here! 
Your blog is simple and elegant. I would love to see more EOTDs bcoz I find your eyes so…..beautiful!
hey.. thanx for the giveaway. the thing i like about this blog is your reviews..u don’t write just for the sake of writing .Ur reviews are really honest..n improvement naah give up the good work
I love the travel posts. keep coming. I am a travel freak too. I love both short and long vacations.
Wishing to see more of travel posts though this is more of a beauty blog :).
i hv been a silent reader of ur blog so far.. n really like ur detailed reviews…off late the dove elixir wala.. loved the review…
i like ur FOTD % LOTDs too..
suggestion for improvement..hmmmm.. may be u can come up with more pictorials..jus a thought..
this is my blog…
awesome giveaway… i hv never used lancome products so far.. hope to win this giveaway n lay my hands on these goodies..
Thanks for the giveaway Dollie. I would love to get that eyeshadow quad. BTW I share the birthday month with your son.
Improvement Point? – Nah! You are good and too the point in your review. Be that way always. I also love it when you add valuable comments in my blog post. I mentioned about your comment in my latest post comparing Revlon Lipsticks from US and India. Waiting for your comment now
came across your blog right now
loving it
read ur Dior foundation review
really enjoyed reading it
And wish you a very happy b’day 

this is my blog:
Do visit
Hey! Love you blog Dollie! Spent last night going through most of the posts and i tried the DIY chocolate scrub today.. loved it! I like the way your reviews are simple and honest. Keep up the good work!
I Really enjoy reading about your vellvette box experiences, I Would like to see more product reviews
Happy Birthday Dollie! I’m sorry for noticing this post now! I would have loved like lourved to win these goodies but I’m not on facebook :::(
hi…your blog is very vibrant….god bless you ..
keep posting such moments
I really enjoy reading your vellvette box reviews. You are always the first one to update it and I eagerly look forward to mine after reading yours. I also like your quick reviews!
Happy New Year….One thing I like is that you do quick reviews. I was dying eagerly to find out whats in the Jan Vellvette box and there was your review… I love the way you write… One thing which I would like to see more is your pics (make up/outfit/accessories ) etc.
Great Giveaway Dollie.:)
I like your honest reviews and FOTDs. More than that i like you as a person, who is humble and genuine.
I entered dear..:D
Hey belated birthday wishes!
The thing that i like about your blog is the quality of pictures and your LOTD’s. They are really awesome! Also like the way you write.
BTW 25th Feb is my birthday too! Perfect day to announce the results
Hi Dollie!
Next what I like is the way you write your reviews, very layman language and easy to read and understand.
What I like about your blog, firstly, is the ethnic touch to the blog’s name
What needs improvement is probably the picture taking angle and hence the picture quality. Also, would love to read more and more reviews & blog posts from you!
hello dollie,its amazing to see that u gals r so tech savvy now a days n u r really managing this cute blog v well.being a guy,i would never know about urs hard work if my girlfriend did’nt bug me day aft day to take part in this giveway,according to her i m her mascot or lucky lancome goodies would be a great valentine day gift for her n no hole would be burnt in my pockets too.i told u,m a clever guy so ek panth,do kaz.lastly,a v happy belated b’day to u n its really hard to believe u r a mother,gorgeous face(have to run now as my gf would kill me aft reading last lines)lolz.wishingu,urs family n urs blog a prosperous future head,here i signs off.kartik.
Im late too :(..wishing you a very happy belated birthday. I love reading your in-depth reviews..Would like to see more of you on the blog though
I am late but wishing you lots of joy and happiness this year, happy birthday.
What hooked my to your blog is the lovely reviews but more than all that your honest and sensible tastes counted and your post on Dove Elixir really sealed the deal for me. i totally loved the way you projected your review, it was different and REAL.
Improvements- hmmm, i have to think hard because I like almost everything on your blog, you have great taste, perhaps you could do more natural home made beauty recipes like the home made hair oil you posted about.
And one thing that I would like to be included in your blog is fortnight post on unseen places/monuments in the state you live in..I knw m askin too much from you but would be happy if it did :))…
The thing I like about your blog is the creativity. The way you express yourself to the reader. It keeps the reader guessing about the next turn :)))..nice job..kisses
happy belated birthday :*
…def takin part in the giveaway!!!HOPE I WIN *_* ^_^ …my birthday falls on 25th too!!! :)))
happy birthday
im so sorry for being late, dunno how i missed ur post !
i want the juicy tubeee!
but anyway awesome giveaway
and i love the name of ur blog ! n love ur writing style , its so genuine n honest
and umm… maybe u could do more looks like EOTDs nall but i like ur blog as it is also
all the best fr the giveaway and hope u had an awesome bday :*
I came across your blog yesterday while I was searching of Manna Ragi Manni Review to start that for my 4 month son. Your blog is really awesome and I will definitely post about your giveaway in mine
Belated Happy Birthday Dollie, the best thing about your blog are the awesome pics, and I would love to see some makeup tutorials from you for sure
woohoo! Done finally! Show us your pretty face! I know you’re getting there!
Happy Belated Birthday ♥
I like your reviews and haul posts ^.^
Thanks for the lovely giveaway!
Email: nupur25.saxena[at]gmail[dot]com
Done done ! Belated Happy Bday
I would love to see more looks, tutorials, etc..
Wish you a very belated happy birthday
Looking forward to your posts 
You have a lovely blog and your name is very unique <3
And also i’m new follower
Happy bday Dollie!
what I like about your blog is that the writing is simple and something we can relate too..
Do more reviews!
Happy Happy Birthday Dollie!! and Happy Makar Sankranti too!
I am definitely going to take part in your giveaway.
Thanks…and best of luck.
Happy Birthday Dollie…
God Bless you! <3
A very happy birthday and Makar Sankranti too Dollie, love reading your in depth reviews on various products…lots of love :)<3
Thanks for ur wishes
Happy bday my dear and happy sankranti too..stay u !!
Thankyou Preethi <3
Thanks Ikya…muah *