Me: Why so late today?
Hubby: The meeting went on too long. Hey, you look so cute right now. Something’s different.
Me: Are you ok? Cute? I’m dead tired, my face is shiny with night cream and you find it cute?
Hubby: I know, your hair! You’ve coloured it.
Me: Obviously. The way you were teasing me this morning about the grey roots showing and me being an old lady….
Hubby: Really, you’re looking beautiful. And cute. And smelling lovely too….
(This from the man who never tells me how I look when I’m all dressed up even though I ask him a million times. All he’ll reply is “You always look nice”. Yea right!)
Me: *speechless*
Hubby: Let’s go out for dinner. The kids are asleep anyway. Just change your clothes, you look great. You don’t need to do any makeup.
After all these years, obviously hubby can make out when I’ve coloured my hair. In fact, he can make out from the way my hair smells because the Casting Cream Gloss has a distinctive fruity fragrance that lingers on the hair for a couple of days after you colour. So anyway, I went to change, because no matter how tired I am or how early I need to wake up the next morning, I never say no to two things:
1) Going out with hubby, even if it’s just a drive / coffee / late night movie….
2) Shopping :p
Hubby’s unexpected compliments really made me feel so pretty and I quickly took a “no makeup, no hair-styling” selfie.
Yes, this is how I was looking, super tired and sleepy. See my dark circles? But also see how shiny my hair is looking even without any styling/styling products?
Well, I quickly changed and put on liner and lipstick, tried to do a quick pouff in my hair and we went for a nice long dinner. Conversations, jokes, laughter. And hubby taking silly pictures of me….
Irrespective of how bad I was looking that day, hubby’s compliments and attention made me feel beautiful. He always notices any changes in my hair, be it a hair cut, the colour or simply the parting but I was really surprised with his reaction that night. Though there have been several such impromptu dates over the years, the credit for that particular date night definitely goes to L’Oreal Casting Creme Gloss.
Casting Creme Gloss comes in 12 shades and the shade I use on my naturally dark hair is 500, Medium Brown because it doesn’t make my hair look artificially dark and yet gives a beautiful brown tint in the sunlight. Read how easy it is to colour your hair with Casting here You can also check out all the shades on the L’Oreal website here:
Disclaimer: This post is part of the “Say Yes To Color” Campaign sponsored by L’Oreal Paris India.
you look super cute…
Thanks Sony
that is so cute! loved reading about it. you do look so charming
you indeed look lovely