Happy New Year! The Intrusive Part of Social Media And My First Travel Vlog!

happy new year

happy new year

Happy New Year everyone! Wish you all a wonderful 2017 and hope that the year is filled with happy moments, fun moments and moments of serenity and tranquility.

Some of my friends and readers have asked me, over the phone and email, why I have suddenly gone MIA on social media – namely Instagram stories and Snapchat. To be honest, it wasn’t something I did consciously. When I was travelling, I posted a lot on both these platforms and while doing that, I realised that I was missing out on the “moment”. I would be posting a video clip, perhaps get an error, try again and when I look up, realise that I missed some really funny thing that my younger son did. Or some witty remark made by the elder one. And then I would ask them what happened but the essence of that moment, the magic of that moment was lost.

That was when I decided that while I would continue posting Instagram Stories and Snapchat videos, it would be largely related to stuff that I would like to share with all of you. Stuff that you too, would be interested in seeing, not just something personal from my life that holds a lot of importance for me, but is random for others. Which is why I didn’t post anything from my Christmas celebrations or New Year’s Eve celebrations. After all, would you honestly be interested in knowing who I’m partying with or what I’m eating / drinking?

These are just my thoughts, though. I would love to know what you feel about this. Do you think social media these days has started becoming too intrusive or do you think it’s great that you can share every single aspect of your life with everyone – including total strangers. Let me know in the comments.

On another note, do check out my first travel vlog on my YouTube Channel:

So, that’s end of my first post of 2017. Here’s looking forward to a fun, productive year and a lot more interaction with all of you 🙂

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