Ever since I got laser hair removal done (around 4 years ago – on a couple of body parts), I have been recommending it to everyone. I have been wanting to get my arms and legs done since quite a while now but kept putting it off. A fortnight ago, I accompanied my mom to the new Therapie Clinic that had opened up near her house and, being beauty-obsessed, got chatting with the dermatologist there. Having got laser hair removal done earlier, I already knew about the two different kinds of lasers – Nd Yag and Soprano – so she started explaining about the latest technology, the Soprano Ice Platinum that is available at the Therapie Clinic. I was so impressed that I immediately agreed to get a patch test done and then signed up for a Full Arms & Legs package.

The Therapie Clinic
Website: www.therapieclinic.co.in
Therapie Clinic is Europe’s leading laser hair removal expert and skin specialist. It offers the most advanced, medical-grade laser hair removal technology for men and women along with a wide range of skin treatments to customised to suit Indian skin. The Therapie Clinic has luxe, soothing interiors and a friendly welcoming staff that is well-trained and headed by experts. It is situated between Kala Ghoda and Horniman Circle which works great for me.
What is the Soprano ICE Platinum?
Soprano Ice Platinum is a limited edition platform featuring trio clustered diode technology. It combines three laser wavelengths in a single, innovative handpiece simultaneously targeting different tissue depths as well as anatomical structures within the hair follicle. By absorbing the absorption and penetration levels of three different wavelengths, along with the treatment coverage, comfort and low maintenance of the diode laser, Soprano ICE Platinum achieves the safest and most comprehensive hair removal treatment available today.
Previously, when I had got my laser hair removal done, I had been recommended the Nd Yag laser since my hair on those areas was black and coarse. While Nd Yag is very effective on dark and coarse hair (and I’m very happy with the results), it is also painful and despite the application of the numbing gel and popping a pain-killer and having a high pain threshold, it was still quite painful and I couldn’t wait for the session to get over. For my side locks, since the hair is finer, I was recommended Soprano and while it wasn’t as painful as the Nd Yag, the pricks still hurt slightly.
However, when I tried the Soprano Ice Platinum for my arms and legs, I realised just how wonderfully comfortable it is! There is absolutely no pain, just a slight feeling of warmth towards the end of one cycle. The combination of the three different wavelengths in this one means that it works equally well on all types of hair – from fine to coarse – which makes it great for sensitive areas such as the bikini and underarms.
The Procedure
One of the biggest difference in the laser hair removal procedure at the Therapie Clinic as compared to the other clinics is that in the former, they as you to shave the area a day prior. Other clinics start with shaving the area for you just prior to the laser. When I asked the dermatologist why this was done, she said that since shaving exfoliates the skin, there is increased sensitivity. They advise shaving a day prior so that the skin has time to settle down and thus prevent any discomfort or, in extreme cases, skin burns.
The area where the laser hair removal has to be done is cleaned and then marked out with a white pencil. On large areas such as arms and legs, a grid is made and numbers are written on it depending on the size of the area and the kind of growth so that the doctor/technician knows what setting to use the laser on for maximum efficacy.
After that, a laser gel is applied on the area. This gel gives a cooling sensation and helps the laser head glide onto the skin easily while also directing the laser to the hair follicle. This helps in speeding up the treatment process as well as keeps the skin cool while the laser heats up. But even “heated up”, there is no discomfort and just feels like a nice warmth. On the backs of my legs, they used a higher setting and yet, it didn’t feel hot. It just felt like someone was gliding a hot water bag / hot stones onto my skin. Nothing more than that.
My Views
As mentioned earlier, laser hair removal with Soprano Ice Platinum at Therapie Clinic has been the most comfortable experience among all the ones I have tried. I was actually so relaxed that I was replying to emails, scrolling through my Instagram feed and chatting with the dermatologist about school (co-incidentally our kids go to the same school) while the procedure was being done. While I have highly recommended laser hair removal even earlier, I can’t stop raving about the Soprano Ice Platinum at the Therapie Clinic. It is by far the best and they also have great packages customised for each person depending on the body parts to be lasered. If you are in Bombay – especially south Bombay, you should check them out and get a patch test before committing anywhere else for laser hair removal. And hey, they also offer a free consultation!
Really interesting and helpful. Have always been scared to try this.