This is a long overdue post! I have been promising a blog post / video on my Colourpop collection since quite a while, even though it is quite a small collection and even though I have been using the products very frequently in my makeup looks. I will try and do a video on this […]
My Current Favourite Hair Oils + DIY Hair Oil

How many of you hated it when your mom sat you down and gave you a nice hair oil champi? I know I did, especially because she used to apply a mix of coconut and the highly sticky castor oil and then tie my hair in one/two tight braid/s. Certainly not very cool. Ironically, I […]
The Fern Gir Forest Resort Review

Living in an urban, concrete jungle, I love to take short breaks amidst nature whenever I can. With the kids being in school, short trips and holidays have to be aligned with their school calendar so we try to make the most of long weekends and mid-term breaks. During their recent break, I wanted to […]
Dr. Sheth’s Skincare Review – Part 2

In an earlier post, I reviewed 5 products from Dr. Sheth’s newly launched skincare range (check out the post here). This post is a continuation of that, and since there are so many products to talk about, I’ll just get on with the review… Dr. Sheth’s Skincare Review About Dr. Sheth’s Skincare “Dr. Sheth’s products […]
Dr. Sheth’s Skincare Review – Jain & Vegan products

When I was in college, I accompanied quite a few of my friends, who were battling acne, to renowned dermatologist Dr. Rekha Sheth. In those days, she even had a luxury salon called Iz, where I used to love going for pedicures and hair massages. So of course, I was very excited when, recently, her […]
New Launches from The Body Shop – Japanese Matcha Mask, Rose Petal Toner and Ginseng and Rice Powder Wash

The Body Shop is one of my favourite brands – not only for bath and body care but also for skincare – and I always am very excited when I hear about their new launches. In the month of February, they had a few new skincare launches of which I am going to review 3 […]
The Body Shop Elixirs of Nature EDP Review – Bowhanti, Swietenia and Nigritella

While shopping from The Body Shop store recently, I came across a new range of fragrances that, I had surprisingly not heard about – the Elixirs of Nature – that comprised of 5 fragrances inspired by rare scents in nature and that were created using Headspace Technology. I bought 3 of them (since 2 were […]