This is a long overdue post! I have been promising a blog post / video on my Colourpop collection since quite a while, even though it is quite a small collection and even though I have been using the products very frequently in my makeup looks. I will try and do a video on this […]
Haul from featuring Fresh, Korres, Clinique and Ultraflesh

Finally! Finally my stuff from is here! This would have actually been my last haul of 2013 but thanks to Mumbai Customs, it is now my first haul of 2014. In the first week of December, I had ordered certain things from, an online shopping destination for beauty affecionados, that has a huge […]
Beauty Haul Featuring Lancome, YSL, Bourjois, L’Occitane

Lancôme Rouge In Love in Rose Rendezvous Bourjois Shine Edition Lipstick in 1,2,3 Soleil […]
My Bourjois Haul

Q) What happens when a girl (ok, a beauty-crazy shopaholic) is waiting outside the Lifestyle store at High Street Phoenix for her driver to bring the car and the driver gets a bit delayed? A) Yup…an unintentional, unplanned haul! That’s what happens. So yesterday, my friend and I had met at Moshe’s in […]
Kerastase and Keraskin Goodies :)

Mom gave me these Kerastase and Keraskin goodies recently…..I can’t stop staring at them. Lovely aren’t they? Here’s what she got for me: * Kerastase Nutritive Bain Nutri-Thermique (shampoo for very dry and sensitised hair). * Kerastase Nutritive Masque Haute […]
I’m Back!!!…..With A Little Beauty Haul ;)

Hello Shringaristas, How are all of you? I’m back to the sweltering humidity of Mumbai after an awesome vacation in Macau, Hong Kong and Disneyland and I’m suffering from post-holiday blues….boohoohoo. Anyway, I just had a few pics on the ipad. All the pics are on the cam and since I’m “Maid-less in Mumbai” at […]
My L’Occitane Haul

As you all know, L’Occitane has been having a sale. This time, I ordered the goods through their website and the parcel got delivered day before yesterday. I just didnt have time to even put up a pic. Well anyway, here are the pics. What did you get from the L’Occitane sale?