You read about my first experiences with this mystery brand’s shampoo and conditioner in this post. After almost 10 days of usage, I really liked how my hair looked and felt (read post here) and I really wanted to know what the brand was. I was thinking of some new high-end brand entering the Indian […]
Love Long Hair Campaign
Love Long Hair Range : Update 2

What is wrong with Bombay weather? Terribly hot and sunny during the day, cool early mornings and night and so, so smoggy! It is no wonder then, that both in-laws and both boys are unwell 🙁 . And that is the reason for my irregular blogging these days. The weather is also playing havoc with […]
Initial Impressions: Love Long Hair Shampoo and Conditioner

Bonjour mes amies, Sorry for being MIA (missing in action) for a whole week but I was really tied up with a lot of things. I had also gone for a little weekend break to Silvassa (resort review coming up soon) and no matter how much I try, I never have any posts ready in […]