History is but a retelling of events by the victor; it is never an impartial narrative by a neutral third person. Hence, the victor is the good guy and the vanquished, the bad guy. But what we readers forget is that nothing is only good or only bad…there is no black and white…only shades of […]
New Books….

Bought some more books recently but just didnt manage to post about it. Finally, here are the books I bought: * Revenge Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger * Bared To You by Sylvia Day * Reflected In You by Sylvia Day * Entwined With You by Sylvia Day * I Heart Paris by […]
New Additions To My Book Collection

Yes, I finally bought Fan Brown’s Inferno. I had delayed buying it all this while coz I wanted to finish the Ken Follett book and I knew that once I got Inferno, I would immediately get engrossed in reading it […]
Book Review: Those Pricey Thakur Girls – Anuja Chauhan

After reading her first book, The Zoya Factor, I fell in love with Anuja Chauhan’s style of writing and her heroine who is just another girl like you or me. Then came the Battle for Bittora which was equally entertaining. So obviously, when I saw her latest offering at the bookstore, I immediately bought it. […]
Books Ahoy! My Little Book Haul…..

I have a passion for books that far exceeds my love for makeup and shopping. Umm, well, you do have to buy books so that comes under shopping anyway…hehe. All these months I was eagerly awaiting one book…..you guessed it, The Oath Of The Vayuputras by Amish, the third and final book of the Shiva […]
Book Review: The Seeds of War – Ashok K. Banker

Synopsis: The Seeds of War, book Two in Ashok Banker’s “MBA” series, introduces us to the elder protagonists of the epic, as well as some of the great loves and lusts, friendships and enmities, politics and self sacrifice that will lay the seeds that will eventually fester into the mother of all wars. At first, […]
Some More Books : Recently Read and To – Read List

Hey girls, As it so often happens, I enter a book store with the intention of buying books for the kiddos but more often than not, being the bookaholic that I am, I end up buying more books for myself than for the boys (and yet, the boys have already got quite an enviable library […]