SN-T Plant Stem Cell Goddess Cream – My HG Moisturiser

In May, I received my first and (till the postal department delivers my other boxes) only Memebox till date. That was the Memebox from Nature and it contained some really wonderful stuff, one of which was the Swanicoco Snail Gommage Peeling, a super gentle exfoliant. Another great product was the SN-T Plant Stem Cell Goddess Cream […]

Swanicoco Cell Emotion Snail Gommage Peeling – A Super Gentle Exfoliant

By now, I don’t think there’s anyone in the blogosphere who doesn’t know about Memebox, the Korean beauty box. These boxes are highly addictive and it’s really very difficult to control the urge to buy the new ones as they come out. I have ordered five boxes till date of which the only one that’s […]